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Click on the blue PDF icon above to view the PDF version of my resume! Or click here. Check my Transcript. Check my Master thesis research proposal. Read My finished Master Thesis.

General Information

Full Name Jin Xin
Programming Languages & ability C/C++, Python, Linux Shell, Matlab, Java, Remote Develop
Frameworks Cuda, PyTorch, TensorFlow, Keras, scikit-learn, mybatis, Piranha
Developer Tools Git, Linux, VSCode, Vim
Spoken Languages English(fluent), Chinese(native), Cantonese(native)

Double-degree Master Education(Under EIT Digital's Scholarship)

  • Oct 2021 - Jan 2024
    Master degree of Electrical Engineering
    Coursework: Information Theory and Source Coding, Embedded System
  • Oct 2021 - Jan 2024
    Master degree of ICT(Information and Communication Technology) Innovation
    TU Berlin(Germany)
    Coursework: Computational Topology, Vehicle Communication and Control, Machine Intelligence, Discrete Event System, Robot Control and Application

Bachelor Education

  • June 2021
    BSc in Computer Science and Technology
    Southwestern University of Finance and Economics
    • Admitted with the top 1.7 % at Sichuan Province of the NCEE(National Higher Education Entrance Examination)
    Coursework: Information Theory, Data Structure and Algorithm, Computer Network, Numertical Analysis, Assembly/Structured Programming/Object Oriented Programming, Digital Logic Circuit, Compiling Theory, Operating System, Computer Architecture, Blockchain Techs, Artificial Intelligence, Large Scale Open Source Development, Probability and Statistics I & II, Computability and Complexity, Network Security, Android Mobility Develop, Database Application, Web Mining
  • June 2021
    BSc in Mathematics(Honors)
    Southwestern University of Finance and Economics
    • Awarded to students who have National Mathematical Competition Prize, Scientific publication and finished honors mathematical courses with great grade(at a difficult level).
    • Only 8 students at the university graduating at 2021 successfully obtained the honors degree.
    Coursework: Mathematical Analysis, Advanced Algebra, Real Analysis, Functional analysis, Complex Analysis, Numerical Analysis, Optimization theory, Discrete Mathematics, Probabilistic Theory, Partial Differential Equations, Statistics, Stochastic Process, Geometry
  • June 2021
    BSc in Financial Management
    Southwestern University of Finance and Economics
    • Double degree program requires students finishing financial courses study and Financial Bachelor Thesis.
    Coursework: Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Political Economics, Auditing, Intermediate Macroeconomics, Monetary Finance, Financial Investment, Accouting, Cost and Managerial Accounting, Accounting Information System, Fundamentals of Management, Intermediate Financial Accounting, Advanced Financial Accounting, Contemporary International Economy and Politics, Advanced Financial Stochastic Analysis, Encrypted Digital Currency


Work Experience

  • June 2023 - Dec 2023
    Cyber security and applied cryptography Research Internship Student
    Trustworthy and applied cryptography lab, Munich Research Center
    • Implement Intel SGX and MPC(Multi-Party Computation)interfaces for a hybrid secure computing platform project, focus on mahcine learning.
  • Jan 2020 - April 2020
    Dynasty Cargo Logistics Limited(DCL)
    • Maintain and improving the logistics management information system
    • Applied Java and MySQL to modify and designed a more reasonable database relationship for the logistic
  • Aug 2019 - Sep 2019
    Information System Development Trainee
    Sichuan Hwadee Information Technology Limited Company
    • Designed and implemented a web-based government information management system using Java language based on Mybatis framework, including JSP web page design, JavaScript information processing, and response interaction between web page
    • Completed the design and programming of processor information security, embedded programming of MySQL database, etc

Research Experience

  • 2018 - 2020
    Deep Learning and Image Processing, Research Assistant
    Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Supervised by Prof. Shibai Yin.
    • Cutting-edge literature review to survey and settle the research topic and methods
    • Designed a feasible deep learning model; debugged the code programming and recorded the results; improved the algorithm design based on the running result
    • Completed a paper as the second author, and published it in IET IMAGE Processing
  • Jan 2019 - May 2020
    Research and design of an emotion-assisted analysis system based on emotion AI
    National final project for National Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program
    • Designed and implemented a platform for real-time input of students' facial information and feedback on their learning through computer cameras.
    • Responsible for core algorithm design and implementation and design of recommendation models. For example, collaborative filtering, Chebyshev regression, etc. POCESSING
  • 2018 - 2020
    Alzheimer's disease course prediction, Research Assistants
    Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Statistic Research Centers, Supervisor by Prof. Liu Bin.
    • Implement designed loss function and deep learning model; cleaned and bootstrapped patient DICOM data using Linux shell
    • Completed data pre-processing; Designed and implemented residual neural network models with embedded new cross-entropy loss functions for disease course predict
  • Jul 2022 - Aug 2022
    Internet of Things and Industry 4.0, Summer School
    Technical University of Munich(TUM) & Schneider Electric
    • Read the OPC/UA protocol original doc, and designed the solution to integrate legacy devices into OPC/UA platform.
    • Designed the logic of an “plug-and-play” app “Rosetta 4.0” which runs on the industries' edge devices, and translated the data into OPC/UA standard
    • Estimated the finance plan and competitor analysis for the app.
  • Apr 2022 - Aug 20
    Vehicle 2-X Communication and Control
    Technical University of Berlin, Faculty IV
    • C++, omnetpp, Communication Protocol, Computer Network
    • Final report.

Teaching Experience

  • Feb 2021 - May 2021
    Algorithmic principles of Alpha go, a study of deep reinforcement learning and graph
    University of Cambridge(GEC), Teaching Assistant
    • Followed and took notes on the professor's lectures and answered questions during office hours.
    • Responsible for the teaching classic papers in the field of deep reinforcement lear
    • Followed up on the progress and content of each research group.
  • 2021 Sept. -2021 Dec.
    Functions of complex variables and their application
    University of Cambridge(GEC), Teaching Assistant
    • Followed and took notes on the professor's lectures and answered questions during office hours.
    • Taught the derivation of the fundamental theorem of functions of complex variables, such as Cauchy-Riemann equation, Laplace transform, Laurent series, Cauchy integral etc.

Bachelor Thesis

  • Feb 2021 - May 2021
    A BSR-CSR dynamic sparse storage format For Sparse matrix with dense submatrix
    The article suggests a BSR-CSR dynamic block hybrid storage approach for sparse matrix with dense sub-matrices multiplication to improve the operation continuity, and space of sparse matrix multiplication with dense sub-matrices in the calculation process. The purpose of this article is to devise a method for heuristically locating the dense sub-matrices in a sparse matrix. Finding and dividing dense submatrices reasonably into blocks can reduce the frequency of memory visits for sparse matrices that have dense submatrices. The concept of BSR dynamic partitioning matrix is put forth, in order to avoid multiple access to shared memory for a complete row or column caused by discontinuous access. And to equitably allocate the length of shared memory, this concept dynamically allocates the shared memory according to the size of partitioning matrix.
    • Computer Science Bachelor Thesis, supervised by Prof. Yao Chen.
    • C++, Nvidia Library, Cuda, Sparse matrix Multiplication
  • Feb 2021 - May 2021
    An application and innovation of Clustering in the investment of Broken net shares
    Collective bidding directly influences stock price. Earnings, news, market mood, monetary policy, and public opinion all influence buying and selling. Evaluating events and determining their timeliness is highly challenging. Certain facts may still be reflected in fundamental conditions. The purpose of this article is to investigate the common traits and guidelines of the fundamentals in historical data. The A-share market sotck is more prone to be net-value broken than other global markets. This study examines the rationality, stability, and fair expectationof long-term profitability, for stock selection based on price-to-book ratios<1. 3,727 A-share mainland sotcks are used
    • Financial Bachelor Thesis
    • K-means clustering algorithm based on SDTW distance for time series. BaoStock Interface, Python 3.8


  • Oct 2019
    National Second Prize for China Undergraduate Mathematical Competition in Modeling(MCM)
    China Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
    • Research on the “Work Together” Strategy.
    • Time planning, controlling the process and progress of problem-solving, and decision makin
    • Learned about physical theory and mathematical differential equations dynamics modeling, such as rigid body dynamics and the Euler angle coordinate system and developed a complete system of concentric ball game a
    • Designed the model, built model assumptions, implemented algorithms and wrote the article
  • Dec 2019
    Third Prize for Asia and Pacific Mathematical Contest in Modeling (APMCM)
    China Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

Competition Awards Academic Honors

  • 2019
    • China Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling, National Second Prize
    • National University Mathematics Competition, Third Prize
    • Third-class Scholarship
  • 2017-2018
    • Sport Scholarship(twice)
  • 2020
    • ACM Chengdu Outstanding Undergraduate Nomination(only two recommended places in each university)
  • 2021
    • Distinction Certificate in Mathematics Honors Program
  • 2018-2020
    • Scholarship for Scientific Research and Innovation (four times)